Boot Camp


This foundational component is designed to focus students on personal and interpersonal development.

  • We seek transformation, a renewed mind, and personal growth.


  • You’ll learn not only from teachers but also from community living and practical training.


  • A key foundational component is to develop a more intimate relationship with God including worship and meditation.


  • We seek to help the student discover one’s unique passion and build a plan for development.


  • Team building intensives are designed to help the student experience the synergistic power of working together.

Module I

Students gather at a camp for two week for worship and teaching.

Module II

Two-week training and missions exposure in Cuenca, Ecuador

Four module courses taught by AIM Institute instructors in conjunction with the Arco Ecuador Muyo (means seed) training program. Ministry missions trip in Ecuador (if possible with Family Health Foundation Medical Missions).
