January Course Registration Now Open!
Filosofía Del Ministerio
Jueves a las 7:30 p. m. (EST) | 16 de enero de 2025 durante doce semanas
Este curso explorará los mandatos bíblicos clave y las prioridades fundamentales establecidas en las Escrituras para el ministerio en la iglesia y en la comunidad. Examinaremos las diferencias entre el liderazgo del Antiguo Testamento y el del Nuevo Testamento, cubriendo temas específicos como la formación de equipos, el servicio y el liderazgo colegial. Exploraremos la expresión y aplicación adecuadas de la autoridad y el poder espirituales y juntos analizaremos aspectos importantes del discipulado, la resolución de conflictos y la ética ministerial.
Mental Health and the Church
Tuesday at 7:oo PM (EST) | January 28, 2025 for twelve weeks
Many people inside and outside of our churches experience severe mental health challenges. This class provides an overview of mental health issues and how the church can be a source of support for those who are suffering from them. It is designed to equip believers to be able to identify mental health problems, provide safe and beneficial interventions and collaborate with mental health professionals. The roles of counseling, medications, scripture, prayer and spiritual warfare are discussed, and we take a deep dive into the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (fifth addition) to understand the difference between various disorders. The intended outcome of the class is for the students to become more effective in providing hope, encouragement and a supportive community for those who experience psychiatric disorders. Students will choose an area of mental health that interests them and write a report on it.